I chose to disseminate this message through designing a Microsoft campaign as they are widely accesible and are the type of company that may get involved in helping to produce the intelliegnt machines of our future which Jeff Hawkins is working towards.
A sequence of advertising which gives examples through the use of text and image of how we use our brains to intelligently predict what will happen next for e.g
If you’re windroeng how you can sitll raed tihs, it’s baseuce it dsoen’t mtater in waht oedrr the ltetres in a wrod are, the olny inopatmrt tihng is taht the fsrit and the lsat ltteer are in the rhgit pclae tehn yuor barin wlil pidecrt the wrod as a wlhoe.
I chose a nice clean and clear font 'Helvetica' for easy reading and kept the background of the poster black to resemble a more scientific feel. The fine lines in the background portray both the framework of theory in a symbolic manner along with the lines of communication, with small circular nodes on each point resembling nerves which carry the relevent information to different parts of the brain.

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